On September 13th, Tuesday, Azerbaijan started advancing and shelling the Armenian border.

The area of Nagorno-Karabak has been disputed and in the middle of conflict for decades. The conflict has its origins in the early 20th century, but the present conflict began in 1988, when the Karabakh Armenians demanded transferring Karabakh from Soviet Azerbaijan to Soviet Armenia. The conflict escalated into a full-scale war in the early 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union which later transformed into a low-intensity conflict until four-day escalation in April 2016 and then into another full-scale war in 2020 that lasted 6 weeks which saw Azerbaijan taking control of the region.
This Tuesday (Sept. 13th), Azerbaijan has started advancing into the Armenia by shelling the entire border. Clashes erupted overnight in the Nagorno-Karabak region that saw Armenia lose 49 men and Azerbaijan lose 50 of its service men.
The Conflict might escalate into a full on war like it did in 2020, or it might be just be another break out like that happened in 2016.

As the region of Caucasia has a rich and diverce history, there will be conflicts over state boundaries not matching cultral differences as we have seen with Chechnya, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and many more.
Made By:
Savelii Krupin (TNN Main Technician)