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Tilden Walk-Out: Will it Work?

Today, during Wolfpack, many students staged a walk-out in protest of MCPS’s handling of COVID. TGW reporters were on the scene, and we saw many interesting things. First, the walk-out was closely monitored by staff. Next, how long it took. Most people got to do one lap around the field before having to go inside.

This is actually only 1/3 of the walk-out.

Finally, let’s answer my first question, the title of this Article. Will it work? Will the school give in to the demands? Probably not. It’s up to MCPS, and it’s mostly symbolic, like that petition a high school student started.

Students on the walk-out.

We asked Mrs. LaGrange, and she said that cases are going down in school, and only 3 teachers have called in sick. She also said that if cases get higher, they will consider going virtual. However, we can only wait and see.



The offical student-run newsmedia of Tilden Middle School

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