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How to get easy SSL hours!

Most of the Tilden News Network correspondents loves helping the community and participating in SSL hour activity. Some TNN staff got so many SSL hours for only a few months. Here is how to get EASY SSL hours.

Tilden 7th grader and chief Tilden News Network Staff, Kotaro Yamauchi, and Anthony Lam earned more than 100 hours already for less than one year. Kotaro starts helping the community for SSL, 2022 January. Two incredible TNN staff said helping the community little by little, week by week, or sometimes date by date really makes you earn more SSL community hours.

1. Pick up the trash (1 SSL / day)

Most easiest SSL opportunity is to pick up the trash. Maximum is 1 SSL hour per day, but you can just pick up the trash street, park, school field... You can just collect trash for 1 hour, and take a selfie with trash bags. Then, you can upload the picture and your information to the form..... You can earn 1 SSL hour!!

Kotaro collected trash every week with his friends after school. He said, "I like this SSL because I can help the community&environment, talk to friends while picking up the trash, and get SSL hour!!".

2. Tutor (1 SSL / hour)

You can do 'tutor' to earn SSL hours. There are two SSL opportunities that tutor Elementary school students. You can choose which grade and subject (Math or English) you want to teach. You can sign-up for a tutor, time by time, date by date.

- Blue Ivy Learning Volunteer Community (Math Tutor - 1.5 SSL/day)

You can sign up for your tutor from here. This sheet shows what kind of topic, you have to tutor. You can NOT let students play Blooket or Kahoot, you actually have to find questions from the internet or Khan Academy, and teach them. But still, it is an easy way to earn SSL hours.

- PLE (Math & English Tutor - MAX: 4.5 SSL/day)

You have to pass the interview, in order to join this community. But, it is easy a few minutes interview and 'all' of the TNN correspondents passed the interview. You can sign up from here . You can teach Math or English, but you can not really choose the student's grade level most of the time. You will need a 'discord' account to do this SSL volunteer.

3. 10 SSL hours opportunity from MCPS

MCPS start holding events every month virtually. You can get SSL hours from that event. It depends on the event, but you can earn 1 - 10 SSL hours for each event. There is an event from MCPS SMOB Hana O'looney every month to get 2 or 3 SSL hours just participating in the virtual event. You should check your school email, and the SSL Volunteer research page frequently to get that opportunity.

In Class activity (10 SSL/year)

There are multiple opportunities during the school/class for SSL. For example, 6th graders will receive 10 hours during the science class. Also, our school (Tilden Middle School) is really active school that participates in community service events. For example, Tilden is doing a day of caring for almost 10 years.

Source & Credit: Tilden News Network Exclusive

Picture: Edutopia 2020 (video here)

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