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Schedule for Thursday & Friday.

It is the last week of school, and welcome back to Tilden News Network!! Tilden Middle School will have a special bell schedule on Thursday, and a half-day on Friday.

6/16/22 Thursday

On Thursday, Tilden will have the 'Carnival' in the afternoon.

The schedule will be a half-day schedule, and instead of 12:30 pm dismissal, we will have the special activity (carnival) until 3 pm.

Students will receive a schedule from their wolfpack teacher on Thursday at 12:30 pm. Students will participate in two indoor and one outdoor activity. For more information, please contact your wolfpack or homeroom teacher.

6/17/22 Friday

Friday (the last day of school) is a half-day bell schedule. The school day will end at 12:30 pm, and the SUMMER BREAK will officially start at 12:31 pm (Eastern Time)!!


The offical student-run newsmedia of Tilden Middle School

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