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Stocks going UP 0.21%

On Wednesday 27/4/22, stocks went up +8.76. The S&P 500 has been on a steady rise. Many things affect the markets from oil prices, The War in Ukraine and inflation. The S&P 500 - a collection of the top 500 U.S stocks, is what many people use to determine the economy. It is up by +.21% today. Stocks such as

NASDAQ: AAPL is up 0.15%-0.23

NASDAQ: MSFT is up 4.81%+13.00

NASDAQ: AMZN is up 0.88%-24.48

NASDAQ: GOOGL is up 3.67%-87.11

NASDAQ: GOOG is also up3.75%-89.71

Today's interesting stock is V Visa INC. Today it up today+6.47% bringing its price up to $216 from its original $214.11. It also surged during the premarket to about $16. This was caused due to Visa earnings being good and solid according to anylist.

That is the market today.

Cya tommarow

Sources: Google Finance

Note this is not Financial Advice


The offical student-run newsmedia of Tilden Middle School

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