On Tuesday 19/4/22, stocks went up +1.61%. The S&P 500 has been on a steady rise. Many things affect the markets from oil prices, The War in Ukraine and inflation. The S&P 500 - a collection of the top 500 U.S stocks, is what many people use to determine the economy. It is up by +1.61% today. Stocks such as NASDAQ: AAPL are up 1.41%+2.33 Today. NASDAQ: MSFT is Up 1.70%+4.78% Today. NASDAQ: AMZN is up 3.49%+106.61 TodayNASDAQ: GOOGL 1.83%+46.65 TodayNASDAQ: GOOG is also UP 2.01%+51.40 Today. Today's interesting stock is NFLX Netflix. Aftermarkets today it tanked -25% bringing its price down to 258.90 from its original 348.61. This was caused due to Netflix actually losing subscribers for the 1st time in many years. They say this is caused due to many sharing accounts rather than getting their own.
That is the market today.
Sources: Google Finance