Today, Tilden Middle School provided self-administered COVID-19 test kits to all Tilden students. This test kit contains two tests, and each can simple nasal swam that provides results in less than 15 minutes.
Recommendations of when rapid tests should be used: - When a student has been identified as a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 - Use a rapid test 5 days after exposure - When an unvaccinated student is in quarantine - Use a rapid test on day 5 to return to school on Day 6 - When a student has developed COVID-19 symptoms - Use a rapid at onset of symptoms) - When returning from travel or large gatherings - Use a rapid test before returning to school
If you tested positive, please report it to MCPS via this form.
Moreover, there is another way to get a free COVID-19 rapid test kit and an N95 mask.
1. Order a free rapid COVID-19 test kit from the US government.
2. Get a free rapid COVID-19 test kit and N-95 mask in Montgomery County (in-person).
Test kits and masks are free to Montgomery County residents. Pick up rapid test kits and masks at Montgomery County Public Library locations, during all open hours. See library locations and hours.