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Tilden updated 'Restroom Policy'

"A lot of people are playing games/watching videos in the bathroom." - Tilden 6th grader

According to our interviews and research, multiple students are in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes while using electronic devices and/or hanging out with their friends. Tilden Middle School addressed the issue by adding a new policy that prevents students from staying in the bathroom for an excess of 5 minutes.

"Sometimes, 5 minutes is not enough." - Tilden 7th grader

Several students said it is unfair for students who are actually using the bathroom. They are, without a doubt, concerned about this rule change.

Below are the official Tilden restroom policies, which are required for all students to follow.

- Teachers can only send one student at a time.

- Teachers must send students with a 'pass'.

- Students should come back to their classroom as soon as possible - no more than 5 minutes.

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3 commenti

Juan the Horse
Juan the Horse
26 mag 2022

they missed out on potty policy in the title

Mi piace

Diego Aldworth
Diego Aldworth
11 mag 2022

Bro what the hell why can't we stay in the bathroom more than 5 minutes.

Mi piace

Zenniyah Long
Zenniyah Long
20 apr 2022

this is true.

Mi piace
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