Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the "Maryland Disneyland Castle", is a very historical church on the East Coast and you have probably seen it from I-495 before. On Monday, for the first time in more than 45 years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints allowed non-members to see the inside of its Mormon temple. A public open house will start on April 28th.

The temple first opened to the public from September 17 to October 19, 1974, and more than 750,000 people visited the church. The temple was remained closed to the public since that time. This temple was the first built on the United States East Coast and the tallest temple in the Washington DC (DMV) area.

Image credit: Flickr, The church of Latter-day Saints
I always use to call that dinsey world when i was little.
Good disneyland no rides no kids screaming or laughing a great to get only peace
Nearest Disneyland